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Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

The best in life :)

guys, I want ngepost about the meaning of friends .. hahaha
we all know that everything my friend .. we can not live without them ..

When I was a kindergarten friend I think it is the figure who would play us, play that does not care about time.

When I was in grade school I thought that friend was someone who would give me a cheat sheet repetition time,

When I was a junior high school, I think friend is someone who will listen well my story of grief and sorrow, friends who are looking for a mate for me, hehehe

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

love - Meaning of Love

hay , aku mw ngepost arti cinta :) lagi pingin soalnya ;)

*) Love is a feeling that relative to everyone. love is like an enzyme that works specifically means that love only works on 2 couples who love each other. rest again we can not interpret love because love is always there around us.

Konsentrasi Otak ;)

sering kita alami di kelas kalo konsentrasi kita waktu belajar menurun .. hoho apa ya kira - kira penyebabnya ??
apa emg bodo ato emg uda ga niat belajar ?? hahah banyak tanda tanya juga kalo ditanya sm pertanyaan yang sering kita alami ini .
so , sekarang aku bakal jawab pertanyaannya ( sok pinter )heheh ..
gini lohh ,
Otak adalah tempat kita ngesave macam- macam memori( ingatan hidup kita ) atau otak itu juga dapat dikatakan sebagai alat berpikir yang lebih baik daripada otak binatang. Kita bisa menghapal lagu, mengingat cinta masa lalu yang indah, melamun yang tidak-tidak, berkonsentrasi mengerjakan soal ulangan, dan lain-lain semua melibatkan otak.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Youtube Downloader

cara mendowload video dari you tube ?? hahah . gampang banget .. Sebenernya banyak cara sih mendownload video dari you tube .. tapi disini saya cuma ngasi tw salah satunya .. hahha ..
Langsung aja ke caranya .. hahah ..

gini lo caranya :)